Monday, August 8, 2011

first day jitters.

Hello, friends!

This is my attempt at beginning a new something... right at the beginning of another big something. :) I am attempting a teaching blog this year!

My hope is to keep a little place where I can share my ideas and experiences as a classroom teacher, and also to provide a place where parents of my students can keep up with the daily fun their little ones have at school!

I'm going to try really hard to keep up with this little blog... even as the school year starts up NEXT WEEK! (Can I just say this was the quickest 3 months, EVER??!?)

Hopefully, my heart for Pre-K shows through what you see and read. And, maybe we can all learn a little something. :)

See you later, alligators!
- Mrs. Rains


Raise your hand, and tell me what you think!